Overview of ANDventure
Our school curriculum innovation, ANDventure, continues to provide a holistic, collaborative and creative learning space for our students to construct and demonstrate their understanding of curriculum concepts through different art forms and ICT. The deliberate spread of platforms serves as diverse opportunities to tap on pupils’ varied interests and aptitudes, whilst enabling a level playground for self-directed exploration and discovery. The ANDventure modules are designed based on 4Es:
- ENGAGE students in a creative process
- EXCITE them to build a learning community with their peers
- ENCOURAGE exploration of possibilities and perspectives
- EMPOWER multi-modality in communications as designers of learning
ANDventure integrates the arts with other subjects, thus providing an interdisciplinary approach which opens up a whole new dimension of experiential and authentic learning. Students develop an enduring appreciation of the different art forms, are empowered to design their final product through co-creation, and to communicate their ideas using multiple intelligences.
Most importantly, ANDventure enables our students to embrace learning as a 'lifelong adventure'.