School Rules
National Anthem / Pledge
- All students must attend the flag-raising ceremony.
- Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge.
- Students will take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
- Students must always be punctual for school and school activities.
- Students are to proceed to the assembly area for Silent Reading.
- Students who are not at the assembly area for Flag-raising or Pledge-taking ceremony are considered late for school.
- Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform (PE attire inclusive) and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
- Students may come to school in their PE attire on days they have PE/PAL lessons.
- Students should refrain from using wallet chains and hooks that affect the overall appearance of the uniform.
- Name tags should be sewn above the shirt pocket of the school uniform and on the left side of the PE T-shirt.
- The shirt/blouse/T-shirts must be tucked in neatly at all times.
- Students must wear black shoes and black school socks. The length of the socks must be above the ankle.
- Students with special needs (e.g. flat footed) are allowed to wear shoes recommended by doctors. In such a case, a medical certificate is required.
- Students who are not able to put on shoes due to injury or medical reasons must submit a letter from the parent or a medical certificate to the form teacher.
- Students must keep their hair neat in its natural colour.
- Girls with long hair (i.e. shoulder length or longer) should tie up their hair neatly. The fringe should not cover the eyebrows.
- All hair accessories must be black or dark-coloured.
- Boys are to keep their hair short.
- Boys must be neat in appearance, and clean-shaven. No facial hair is allowed.
- Students are not allowed to wear jewellery or expensive watches.
- Girls can only wear one plain ear stud on each ear lobe.
- No student is allowed to pierce other parts of their body (e.g. nose, tongue, face).
- The use of smartphones and smartwatches is strictly prohibited during school hours, including curriculum time, recess, and after school programmes.
- Students are discouraged to bring their phones to school. Those who need to bring these devices to school are required to switch them off and store them securely in their bags throughout the day. The school will not be responsible for any loss of these items.
- Handphones should be used only for important communication with parents / guardian after permission is sought.
- Eating must be confined to the canteen at all times.
- Every student must queue up to buy his/her food.
- Crockery, cutlery and drinking cups must be returned to the respective receptacles after use.
Request for Early Dismissal
- Parents who wish to take their child home early for any valid reasons must inform the teachers and are required to record in the Early Dismissal Book at the General Office.
Prohibited Items
- All students are not allowed to bring items that are disruptive to teaching and learning. Card games, toys and electronic devices (e.g. MP3 players and hand-held games) are strictly not allowed in school.
- All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.