The Girls' Brigade
The 22nd Girls’ Brigade (GB) Company started in Anderson Primary School in 2020. The CCA aims to develop character and skills so that the girls can achieve their fullest potential through positive character-based teachings and activities. In addition, we aim to equip, empower and enable every girl to be a leader.
Self-discipline is the cornerstone of the Girls’ Brigade. Through regular drill sessions, we instill the value of self-discipline to develop leadership traits in the girls who will lead their peers by example in school and at home.
GB offers our girls a wholesome learning experience and an all-rounded programme that includes formal and informal activities. GB provides abundant opportunities for the girls to form supportive friendships and to guide their juniors. It is a good platform to develop in them our school values, SEL Competencies, and character building, as well as opportunities to hone their leadership skills through fun-filled and meaningful activities. Other positive traits of self-respect, grooming and teamwork are also inculcated through the structure of a Uniformed Group (UG) and the award of badges. The girls learn essential moral values to cultivate a heart to serve through community service.
The highlights of the 22nd Girls’ Brigade Company will include values-anchored lessons, reflections, parades, drills, games, badge work, learning journeys, community service and camps. They will also take part in school events and HQ events such as Brigade Knowledge, Fast Food & Fuzz Experience and GB Friendship Day.
Day |
Level |
Time |
Venue |
Friday |
P3 - P6 |
1.30 pm to 3.30 pm |
Library Stage/ Classroom
Mrs Vimaladevi Steven (Overall Teacher-in-charge)
Ms Stephanie Lim
Ms Loh Cheng Hwan