Boys' Brigade Key Events
Boys' Brigade Day
Every year on 12 January, the BB 22J Company from Anderson Primary School commemorated Boys’ Brigade(BB) Day in the school hall. The Boys felt proud donning their full uniform to form a contingent for the occasion. Our Boys are given the opportunity to give the commands to the whole school to stand in attention. Our Lead Boy will present the the BB Message and update what the activities carried out through the year.
BB Contingent getting ready for BB Day
22J Company with the School Leaders and BB teachers
Jake Reading the BB Message in 2023 and shouting the commands during the school morning assembly
BB/GB Enrolment Ceremony
It is the tradition that the Boys’ Brigade (BB) and Girls’ Brigade (GB) hold their annual enrolment ceremony at Presbyterian High School (PHS). It was a joyous occasion as the two Brigades come together and were smartly attired in full uniform as parents, teachers, volunteers and senior Boys and Girls witnessed the enrolment of the new BB Boys and GB Girls into the 22nd Company. At our enrolment ceremony, we celebrated our students’ achievements in their leadership journey as members of GB and BB.
Principal: Mdm Delia Hoo, Teachers: Stephanie Lim, Danielle Tan, Soh Wei Xuan and William Ho,
GOH: LTA May Seah, Chaplain: Rev Jackson
VAL from BB: LTA Louis Seng and LTA Jerome Li (Chaplain)
VALs from GB: LT Sylvia Kiew, CLT Kimy Ng, CLT Low Yee Lin
Photo taken in 2023
Proud parents putting on the first badge for their sons
BB and GB Company during the Enrolment Ceremony 2023
Celebrating Achievements: JM Fraser Award for Excellence and BB Week Gold Honours Award 2023
Our Boys’ Brigade 22nd Junior Company has garnered both the JM Fraser Award for Excellence (Excellent) and the BB Week Gold Honours Award 2023. These awards stand as a resounding testament to the dedication exhibited by our Boys, alongside the efforts of our volunteers and teachers throughout the year.
Mdm Delia Hoo (Principal, Anderson Primary School), Mr William Ho (Tr-in-charge of BB) and the 2 Lead Boys, Jayden Tan and Xavier Phua
Celebrating Singapore's Independence
Each year, on the eve of National day, the Boys’ Brigade, Girls’ Brigade will form a continent of more than 100 Boys and Girls in the Parade Square. Three BB Boys and three GB Girls held the honorable task of carrying the state flag with grace and poise, making the entire day even more special.
The Boys formed a Parade contingent with the Girls from Girls’ Brigade
Jayden, our Lead Boy heading the contingent
Xavier proudly holding the state flag
Observance Ceremony in the School Hall 2022
Community Service at Thye Hua Kwan Active Ageing Centre (THKSAC)
Our Boys carried out their BB Cares community service at Thye Hua Kwan Active Ageing Centre (THKSAC). Smiles and laughter that filled the air as P4 BB Boys engaged with the elderly residents. The Boys played games like snake and ladder, checkers, number pyramid, and fishing and made bridges of connection between generations. As the day wrapped up, the seniors were delighted to receive food door gifts prepared by our Boys, leaving behind cherished memories for all.
Our Boys posing with some seniors from THKSAC
Hao Thien and Shuhao playing a game of checkers and memory game with the elderly.
The Boys overcame their initial fear to engage in conversations with the seniors
Boys interacting with the seniors (2022)
Group Photo at Thye Hua Kwan Active Ageing Centre (2022)
Exciting Learning Journeys
The Boys made fruitful learning journey every year. In 2022, they visited SEA Aquarium and in 2023, it was a trip to the newly opened Bird Paradise. During the learning journey, they were immersed in outdoor education learning about the natural world around them. The Boys moved in squads and had a delightful time of team bonding and looking out for each other.
A Marabou Stork swooping down over our Boys
The Boys having a close view of a Crowned Pigeon
Jellyfish Enclosure – The Boys learnt that jellyfish has no brain and skeleton.
Coral Reefs – the Rainforest of the Sea
Uniformed Group Combine Camp
The Boys and Girls look forward to a uniformed group combined camp every year. The day camp was held in school and they learnt how to be a servant leader and role model that among their peers. They also learnt team work in exciting challenges like nerf guns and team building games.
BB and GB Combined Camp 2022
Nerf gun challenge
Team building games at the Parade Square